Receptivity in Advertising

Even at 8 years old you knew it was better to ask for something
when your parents were in a good mood...
Give your brand the same opportunity for success.


Sitour has a unique national network of outdoor advertising. We are unique because of...
- Who you reach - Upscale Actives that spend money on their passions
- Where you reach - Positive uncluttered atmosphere at fun Winter Resorts 
- How you reach - Multiple exposures per day/season using Print, TV, Mobile, and Events

So... for example:

100 million quality impressions across 100 winter resorts - Dec thru April - 20 million receptive passionate spenders. …Nationally for $350,000 ... Regional buys around $35,000... $3,500 for a couple of zones at a resort...

Advertise Where They Play -