We are testing Beacons to offer value at ski resorts through mobile phones.
These cheap little things "wake up" the right section of a mobile app that matches exactly where you are and what you need at that moment.
Cheap is $30 each... soon to be way less!
They can be placed anywhere because they do not need internet or mobile service. They are battery-powered and can trigger an app inches away to 50 feet away - so think niche notifications (more targeted than your cellular service can get).
Think about the value of instantly getting info on your phone about the product or service in front of you... then being able to take action, optin, share, purchase... skip a checkout line!
Major League Baseball has been using dozens at ball-parks to allow easy checkins, offers, and even VIP seat upgrades. See a case study here.
Some related buzzwords: Micro Geo Fence, Context for communication, Proximity Profiles, Predictive Customer Service, Wiser Wayfinding, ... a solution to Showrooming... Digital Delivery for Analog Aspirations!
See VentureBeat's enthusiastic overview - Just remember that this is not only an Apple service. Android solutions are being developed... and wifi triggers are being added to the current Bluetooth method.
It's the next land grab for the technology that is going to make the Internet of Things work.
Here is a good overview from one of the vendors we could select: